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Big News!

I recently accepted at a job at Ancestry’s ProGenealogists in Salt Lake City! I’m super excited to be working with some amazing genealogists and I’m excited to really start diving in and learning more.

With that, there are some changes happening here. As some may have already noticed, the business part of the blog is gone – I am no longer running Copper Leaf Genealogy as a business, but only as a personal blog.

What does that mean for the blog? There will be some changes and I’m waiting to hear back on everything. So watch this space for what will happen next!

You can still contact me through the contact page if you’d like and I will hopefully have more information soon.

Thank you for reading over the years! I’m excited to see what this brings next!

52 Ancestors, Week 2: Favorite Photo

I actually had a hard time with this prompt! I have many favorite photos and it is hard to find just one to share.

So I went with a slightly unexpected photo. The two women in the picture below are not related to me, but I they were friends of my great-grandparents, Glenn and Erma (Almy) Witherell. They were all a part of the Saginaw Motorcycle Club in the 1930s – including my great-grandmother by the way! She definitely seemed to be a woman who would do things in her own way, as she wanted, and these two women likely shared those characteristics.

It seems my great-grandparents definitely had a love for motorcycles (and their cars) by the number of pictures I have. That love has been passed down, as well. Well, at least to my dad (who had one when he was younger) and to his cousin (who still rides with his daughter often). I have yet to ride one, sadly, but I do hope to one day.

Without further ado, here is Carrie and Edna, in 1933, part of the Saginaw Motorcycle Club!

52 Ancestors Week 1

It’s been a while! My goal is to get back into blogging this year and 52 Ancestors from Amy Johnson Crow is just the inspiration I need!

This week’s ancestor is the theme: start. So I’m starting with how I got started in genealogy. That beautiful woman up there is my grandmother, Mary (Hummel) Witherell. She is my main reason for getting into genealogy. When I was younger, she would tell me stories about our family. I so wish I would have written down or recorded those conversations now, but I was very young and didn’t know the value at the time.

My grandmother was born in Oakland County, Michigan May 11th, 1930, the youngest of seven children born to Ada and Oliver (Ollie) Hummel. The family eventually moved to Saginaw, Michigan by the time she was ten with the rest of her family. It was there that at least two of her older brothers went off to World War II and she wrote her diary, which I was lucky to get after my grandfather passed away.

She married my grandfather, Bobbie in 1951 – that’s one of her wedding pictures at the top, and one of my favorites of her. To me, she reminds me of 1950s movie stars – gorgeous and glamorous. She definitely had a great sense of style as well!

My grandmother died in 2000 and it was very hard for me. She was also the first close death I experienced, which likely made it all the more keenly felt for me. It took me many years before I could visit her grave, in fact.

One day, while I was home from college, a friend and I decided to go check out a cemetery in my hometown: Oakwood Cemetery. My grandfather said there were some ancestors there and maybe some Civil War ancestors there (which is true).  So, in a true early-genealogist fashion, we went to explore the cemetery! While there, we happened to find a gravestone that stopped me cold: Mary Witherell Hay Owen. This was not my grandmother, of course. She was in a different cemetery not to mention had a very different name. However, just the fact that it said Mary Witherell had me now incredibly curious.

Who was this woman? Why did she have my maiden name as part of her name?

Those questions started me on a journey to the Hoyt Public Library in Saginaw and the amazing librarians there really introduced me to the study that is genealogy. From there, I was hooked!

So why did Mary Witherell Hay Owen have Witherell as her middle name? I have some thoughts on that one that I will share another time!

Happy New Year everyone!

Westward We Go!


COMING SOON From Colorado!

My family jokes about my wanderlust, and it is true that I move often. First it was to Florida, then to Indiana. And while in Indiana, we still managed to move every year to a new apartment building until we finally bought a house. Technically, I’ve moved every year from 2001-2012. I’ve now been in the same place for the last 3.5 years and I’ll admit, I could use a change of scenery!

So we are  heading west to beautiful Colorado!

My aunt has lived there my entire life and I’ve wanted to move there since we visited when I was a kid, and now, we’re making it a reality!

Copper Leaf Genealogy will remain the same except that the location will now be from Colorado. Also, as this change is occurring, I will still respond to emails, questions, requests, etc., but doing on-site research won’t be an option until July (non on-site required research is still an option). As we do still have family in Indiana, I will be back here for visits and research, which will be announced in my emailed newsletters.

This is one reason why I had the delay in my Friday posting last week! Packing! It’s not my favorite thing. Despite all that moving, it’s something I tend to wait to do until the last minute. We move Monday and I do need to get a move on…

Anyone want to help me pack?! 🙂


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