Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by the National Genealogical Society and represents my own opinions.

My favorite genealogy membership is by far to the National Genealogical Society (NGS). I have also found them to be one of the most beneficial memberships for me! To me, the membership really paid for itself. I started to look into a membership because of the discounts I saw on items I already wanted to do: take the Home Study Course and go to the NGS conference. Becoming a member gave me discounts that covered the cost of the membership. Not to mention I also got a discount on the Boston University Online Genealogical Research Certificate class I took last summer, so it pretty much paid itself off and then some.  There are other perks to being a member too:

And just yesterday, they announced a new perk: the NGS Monthly!

NGS Monthly Newsletter

Now this is available to anyone to view (you don’t have to be an NGS member), but this goes along with articles featured in the NGSQ that NGS members receive.  This new monthly newsletter focuses on methodology, sources, and analysis from the case studies in the NGSQ. For those of us (if not all) who have come across a research problem that can’t be solved with sufficient direct evidence, this is for you. By studying what other genealogists have done to come to a conclusion on similar difficult questions, we can learn how to be better researchers and genealogists.

The NGS Monthly kicks off with two great articles:

For those of you who wonder what exactly a professional genealogist can do for you, these articles show how a researcher pulls together information from sources to come to a soundly reasoned conclusion.

This also goes along with my post on Monday about using genealogical periodicals to not only further your own research, but to learn more about genealogy research methods. I personally look forward to this new monthly newsletter that will help me to use my subscription to the NGSQ more effectively!