Month: July 2014 Page 2 of 3

Amanuensis Monday: 27-31 July 1946


27 July 1946

27 July 1946

Saturday 27 July 1946

Just moved in our new + own home. Worked at B. Tel. Helped moved some of things over. Am sleeping for the first time in my new bed. Frances Abat called + wanted a date. Tomorrow I shall let him know. Went off my three day starvation diet today.

28 July 1946

28 July 1946

Sunday 28 July 1946

Dear Diary,

Got up at 8:00. Finished moving. Uncle Dick + Aunt Anna didn’t come up today. Francis + I went to the Michigan saw “Three Strangers.” Got a hamburg + choc. milk. Went for a ride. Got in at 12:30. Jack, Dick, Betty, Ned, Mom, + Dad were playing cards. Went to bed at 1:30. 

29 July 1946

29 July 1946

Monday 29 July 1946

Dear Diary,

Went to Watson Lake with Gene, Jenette, Mary Jane, + Smuchie. Golfed all day long. Got a ride with three guys. Got home about 10:00. Jack brought the kids over had some ice cream. Put up my hair. My toe nail is starting to come off.

30 July 1946

30 July 1946

Tuesday 30 July 1946

Dear Diary,

Went to work. Worked hard as usual. Finished fixing my room. It rained a little bit. After dishes I went bike riding. Went over to Hines she wasn’t home. Went over to Tonkins and talked about an hour an a half. Jack + Marge was over. Put up my hair.

31 July 1946

31 July 1946

Wednesday 31 July 1946

Dear Diary,

Went to work. Worked harder than usual. Went to the Court + saw Pat O’Brien in ”              ” also David Bruce in ”          ” Saw little Donnie at the show. He sat with me. Walked home alone. Jack + Marge was over. Skipping my hair. 

Dear Diary (one day ahead)

Didn’t work today. Helped move some boxes. Found some navy pictures + letters from the gang in a box of Bob’s. Read some of them all afternoon. Went bike riding with Hines. Got home at 9:30. Put up my hair + went to bed.

Grandma in 1946, about 16 years old.

Grandma in 1946, about 16 years old.

Wordless Wednesday: A Moment in Time

1941 Glenn and Erma Witherell

1941 Glenn and Erma Witherell

I love this picture for two big reasons: 1) I love the way my great-grandma is looking at my great-grandpa and 2) I’d love to think that this was a full belly laugh my great-grandpa is giving. I never got to hear his voice or full laugh as he had his voice box removed before I came around (or could remember). I wish I knew what it had sounded like.

Amanuensis Monday: May 18-20 1943

There were only a few entries for 1943 in my grandmother’s journal. They are crossed out and I believe it’s because they aren’t from her. These three entries have different writing, different scenarios (like a job) and different people mentioned than when it was my grandmother’s voice. Plus, one of these entries mentions going to a show with Mary Jane, who is my grandmother. I think these were crossed out when this person gave the journal to Mary. I’m wondering if these were from Betty, my grandmother’s older sister. 

18 May 1943

18 May 1943

Tuesday 18 May 1943

Worked until 5:30. Went to the bowling ally. Got the prize money. Jack + Margie was over. Wrote Stan a letter. 

19 May 1943

19 May 1943

Wednesday 19 May 1943

Worked hard today. No letter from Stan, but one from Gene + from Al Briggs. Went to the show with Mary Jane. 

20 May 1943

20 May 1943

Thursday 20 May 1943

Worked today. Took inventory. Maxine McPhetias called me up. She is really a terrible girl. Wrote Stan a letter but am praying that he will forgive me. 

My Birthday :)

Today is my birthday and I got a phone call from my mom who out of the blue just started to tell me about the day I was born. So I thought I’d share that story although it isn’t an unusual one, but I felt like sharing it since it’s something that tends to not be written down.

side note: I feel like birthday’s should be more about the mother than the baby. After all, they do most of the work!

Probably 1983, when I was about one but this is the closest I had on hand to baby me :)

Probably 1983, when I was about one but this is the closest I had on hand to baby me 🙂

This is my mom’s version of the story:

“It was three days before your due date and I was at the doctor’s for a checkup. I was in the waiting room when I felt my water leak a bit. I went to the receptionist and said that I thought my water was leaking so they took me in a room and got me ready for a doctor.  They got me dressed, on to the table stirrups and all, and went to find a doctor. All the while I could feel myself leaking a bit more and didn’t understand why I was still there waiting! About 15 minutes passed when a nurse came back in, checked me, and said she was going to just send me over to the hospital since all the doctors were busy. I drove myself to the hospital, they put me in a wheel chair, and I signed in. They wheeled me up to the room, I stood up to get undressed and onto the bed when whoosh… my water officially broke and there went the long pants I was wearing! 

I had called your dad to let him know. He was taking a class at the high school (not a high school class though, some sort of mechanics class) so I had to call the school. They wouldn’t let me talk to them so I told them ‘Well, this is his wife and I’m having his baby at the moment.’ To which they replied that they would rush the message to him. About 10 minutes later he showed up at the hospital! He had taken his bike to the school so I could have the car that day so he must have flown on his bike to the hospital! [side note: that is normally about a 20 minute bike ride with traffic!] He was huffing and puffing when he finally arrived but he wanted to be there because he got to be in the delivery room this time with me. He didn’t get to for Devon [my older brother]. He didn’t need to rush though as it takes time from the water breaking to the actual delivery.

I got to the hospital about 12:30 and had also called my friend who was a nurse in that part of the hospital. She had told me to let her know when I was there so she could be my nurse. Of course, it was her day off but she came up anyway to sit with me. After a few hours, she mentioned that she didn’t like something and left to find a doctor. That made me nervous. A bit later I heard nurses telling the doctor “Just come in! Don’t bother washing!’

I told them I had to push a bit on that last one and they set me up to deliver. The umbilical cord was around your neck, that was what my friend didn’t like. Your heartbeat was slowing the further down you went and when I had contractions. Once your head was out, they cut the cord without a problem, and out came the rest of you! It was such a relief! 

My friend turned to me and said I now had the perfect family: a boy and a girl. I felt so good after the birth too. The nurse asked if I was hungry and I was and then I proceeded to call everyone to tell them the happy news. It was so easy that I thought I could have five more without a problem! I didn’t want to have five more but I felt like I could. “

I was born at 4:40 so only about 4 hours of labor! I have had friends who had over 20 hours of labor so I know how lucky my mom was. Days like this make me wish I lived so much closer to my family. I miss them!

Left to right: my nephew with my sister-in-law (who was pregnant with my next nephew at the time), my brother, me, my mom, my dad, and my sister. This goofy picture pretty much sums up my family!

Left to right: my nephew with my sister-in-law (who was pregnant with my next nephew at the time), my brother, me, my mom, my dad, and my sister. This goofy picture pretty much sums up my family!

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